Wheelchair ramps are critical for schools to have. Various people who attend, visit, or work at schools in Modesto, California, will require wheelchairs for mobility, so ramps are necessary to help people stay mobile in these spaces. You can consult us at REDD Team if you need help finding a ramp that works for your space.

Wheelchair Ramps For Schools In Modesto, CaliforniaWe prepare wheelchair ramps that fit various needs in your school. Our focus is to help people stay mobile while ensuring any school in the Modesto area will meet ADA standards for allowing and supporting accessibility for everyone.

How Can We Customize Ramps?

No two wheelchair ramps are alike, as every school property in Modesto will have different needs. Our experts at REDD Team can create different ramps surrounding various points:

  • General length
  • Positioning near a door, including ensuring enough room between the door and the entry point
  • Necessary turns; this point is critical for keeping a ramp at a reasonable slope.
  • Landings at the top and bottom parts of the ramp and any flat spaces in the middle
  • Color scheme, including producing a color that is easy to spot from a distance in any light

We can prepare your wheelchair ramp based on ADA standards. These rules include points on how long and wide a ramp should be, clearances for turns, and how the rails on the sides can work.

Aluminum Works Best

One of the best parts of our wheelchair ramps in Modesto involves using sturdy aluminum materials in each product we make. Aluminum is a strong metal that can resist many impacts and handle intense weights, plus it can be shaped in various forms to fit your needs.

Aluminum is better for your ramp than wood. Aluminum surfaces are easier to use and won’t wear fast, making them a more convenient choice. Wood ramps can wear after a while and will require consistent maintenance, plus they might be too rough or uneven for wheelchairs to move on.

What Type of Ramp Will You Require?

Every school in Modesto will require wheelchair ramps in many ways. We can create aluminum ramps for every purpose, including:

  • Ramps for detached school buildings, including mobile classroom units
  • Indoor ramps situated next to traditional stairs
  • Outdoor ramps near parking lots, bus pickup sites, and other entry or exit points

We can prepare these ramps in any way you see fit, and you’ll find these to be easier and more cost-effective than if you used mechanical lifts or elevators that might not always work or could cost more to maintain.

Can These Ramps Work For Other People?

Our wheelchair ramps are also suitable for people who require walking assistance but do not use a wheelchair. These include people who use canes, walkers, and other mobility devices. The ADA-compliant designs we use for our wheelchair ramps can work for all these people.

Ask us at REDD Team how we can prepare wheelchair repairs for your school property in Modesto, California. We can create a ramp that fits your school’s specific size and arrangement needs, plus we’ll use the strongest materials to keep it working. You can schedule a consultation with our experts online today or call us at (800) 648-3696 for help.