REDD Team offers quality wheelchair accessibility ramp systems for schools and colleges. A distinct feature of our ramp systems is their fully adjustable modular designs, making them suitable for school playgrounds and classrooms. In addition, they are manufactured from durable aluminum that is easily accessible from fire exits.

Key Highlights

Our wheelchair ramps are recommended for schools because they comply with the state’s building codes and regulations. These ramps come with multiple safety features, making them suitable for indoor and outdoor use. In addition, the installation of our modular ramps is extremely easy and can be planned around the specific needs of your school.

Wheelchair Accessibility Ramp Systems for SchoolsOur installers usually work during the holidays to accommodate teaching calendars to avoid distractions. However, we can also work during term time without excessively disrupting learning. Our installers are incredibly mindful of our clients and usually work carefully to avoid causing excessive noise or other distractions during installation. We can safely remove your current ramp system and replace it with ours.

Safety Standards

One of the challenges that school districts face when it comes to making their facilities more accessible is balancing budgets and students’ needs. Fortunately, REDD Team has you covered. Whether your school district has ramps that need replacing or you need new ramps to accommodate your expanding school facility, REDD Team can design and manufacture custom access solutions for your needs. We have accessibility ramps that can fit any school entrance.

Code Compliance

REDD Team access products meet all state compliance codes. They are durable, beautiful, and designed to withstand elements, including heavy traffic. Unlike other access products, aluminum ramps do not deteriorate or require excessive maintenance with time. We usually advise our clients to choose durable access products because they provide excellent value for money. Although aluminum products may have higher initial fees than other materials, they usually last much longer, making them highly affordable in the long term. Our access products meet compliance standards, including OSHA, ADA, IBC, and state building codes.

Best Ways to Use Ramps at School

As school districts strive to provide the best learning opportunities for kids in The U.S., it’s essential to ensure schools throughout the country can be accessed even by kids with mobility limitations. Children of all ages need safe and convenient access regardless of physical and mental abilities. Fortunately, installing access products such as ramps and steps can enhance accessibility for all students. Ramps are some of the most common access products in schools throughout the U.S. There are multiple ways schools can use access ramps for safe access.

Many schools that are expanding have portable classrooms. A distinct feature of portable classrooms is their elevated entryways. Consider installing ramps to enable students easy access to portable classrooms with raised entryways. If your portable classroom does not have a ramp, students will not have safe OSHA-compliant access to the classroom. Installing REDD Team’s all-aluminum ramp is one of the best ways to enhance safe entry into portable classrooms. This product is an excellent access solution for children of all abilities.

At REDD Team, we understand that commercial, industrial, and learning facilities were built before the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990. Such schools may not have accessible entrances and other safety features. It is essential to ensure that schools are accessible for all students regardless of their physical abilities.

Installing wheelchair accessibility ramp systems for schools enables students to access schools safely. Contact REDD Team today to order.