When it comes to portable aluminum steps and other accessibility products, no one comes close to REDD Team. Our quality is the best in the business, as is our commitment to total customer satisfaction. The applications for our steps are virtually unlimited. They’re perfect for schools and other public buildings, temporary construction offices, retail establishments, and many, many others. All of our products will also ensure you comply with all accessibility mandates at the local, state and federal levels.

Aluminum – The Go-To Material 

Portable Aluminum StepsThere are four materials commonly used to make steps – aluminum, wood, steel and concrete. But when you compare the advantages of aluminum to all of the others, aluminum wins in just about every category. There are good points to those other materials, but they pale in comparison to aluminum. Here are a few of the many reasons why this is the case.

  • Aluminum will always remain safe to the touch, even in extreme temperatures. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a scorching hot day or a bitterly cold day, you’ll never have to worry about grabbing the guardrails that come with our steps.
  • When you compare the strength of aluminum to that of steel, you’ll find that aluminum – when treated with the special 6000 alloys we use – is just as strong. At the same time, though, aluminum is a great deal lighter. It’s more cost effective, and it’s easier to move if you ever need to relocate your steps to another part of your building.
  • Over time, moisture can cause wood to warp or even rot. Aluminum, on the other hand, can withstand the beating rays of the sun, the rainiest days, or major snowstorms. Unlike concrete, aluminum won’t crack or chip.
  • Wood, concrete and even steel, to a certain extent, all require regular maintenance. You won’t have those issues with aluminum. You basically just set it and forget it, since there won’t be any maintenance hassles.
  • Steel will rust and corrode as the years go by unless it has an expensive coating. Aluminum is naturally protected from corrosion thanks to a coating of aluminum oxide. Aluminum will continue to perform even in extremely moist environments.
  • About 75 percent of all aluminum ever produced is still being used to this day. That makes aluminum the most earth-friendly material you can imagine. Even if you recycle aluminum time and time again, it won’t lose any of its characteristics.

Another reason to consider REDD Team steps is that they are totally compliant with all governmental mandates regarding accessibility. They feature non-slip surfaces that will enable people with physical challenges, such as using crutches or a cane, to use your stairs with total confidence.

Why Turn to REDD Team? 

For more than a quarter of a century, REDD Team has been the leader in accessibility system components, including stairs, ramps, platforms, walkways and more. You’ll get a high-quality product without paying nearly as much as you would for similar products made of other materials.

If you ever have any questions or concerns about REDD Team portable aluminum steps or any other products we carry, our friendly experts will always be ready to help. Delivering fantastic customer service has always been our highest priority, and that will never change. Get in touch with us today if you’d like more information. Call (800) 648-3696 or use our online contact form.