Your building can benefit from an aluminum mezzanine in many ways. You can get a mezzanine installed when you need to add a secondary floor in the middle of a massive room. The floor can work as an observation station for things at the bottom, or it could be a spot where you can store more things. Whatever case you have for a mezzanine, you’ll require secure aluminum stair systems to help people get to and from the space. Our experts at REDD Team will be there to prepare a new mezzanine stair system that works for you.

What Should You Get Out of Your Aluminum Mezzanine Stairs?

Aluminum Mezzanine Stair SystemsAluminum mezzanine stairs will require a good structure with a safe approach to getting up and down from the mezzanine. There are a few rules you’ll need to follow when getting your stairs ready:

  • The stairs and landings should be at least 36 inches wide.
  • There must also be guardrails and protective walls on the sides of the stairs. All rails must be ready to handle a load of at least 200 pounds from any direction.
  • Handrails are also necessary on the top parts of the protective walls. The railings should be at least 42 inches above the walking space.
  • Rest areas should appear in the middle part of the stairwell if necessary. The rest spot can include a flat body in the middle of the stairwell. It can also appear in a spot where one set of stairs ends and another set moving in a different direction starts.
  • Openings can appear on the bottom parts of the stair system, but they should be narrow enough to where a four-inch diameter sphere cannot roll under the space.
  • While you can produce a mezzanine stair system in various colors, yellow is the best. It is easier to spot the yellow tone in multiple conditions and light levels.

How Many Stair Systems?

A mezzanine that is at least 30 inches above the below floor should have two different stairways:

  1. One stairway will be a primary one that leads to and from the mezzanine.
  2. The other stairway will be a secondary one working as an emergency exit. There should be a clear path from the exit to a safe spot.

We can help you prepare a stair setup that works for your space, but be sure when finding a suitable stair layout that you’re finding a system that is easy to plan. You can let us know how high your mezzanine will be alongside other dimensions in your building, and we’ll find a plan that works for you.

The secondary stairwell can be smaller than the primary one, but it should still be in a spot that is easy to reach and can get people to safety as necessary. We can figure out a suitable plan for this project as necessary.

Mezzanine stair systems are essential for many massive indoor rooms, and an aluminum setup can provide a secure design that keeps everyone safe. You can reach us at REDD Team if you’re looking for a new system that works for you. We are available by phone at (800) 648-3696, plus we are open for contact online. Be sure to reach us soon if you’re looking for assistance getting a new stair setup ready.