If you’re looking for aluminum ADA ramps for sale, REDD Team should be your go-to source. We have many standard sizes and dimensions from which to choose. But if they don’t meet your exact specifications, we can customize a ramp that does. You will be able to rest easy, knowing that your ramps will be in total compliance with all ADA mandates.

Why is ADA Compliance so Critically Important?

Aluminum ADA Ramps for SaleWhen it was enacted in the early 1990s, the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) created a way to ensure all people, regardless of their physical challenges, would be able to enter and exit all public buildings. The vast majority of buildings across the country are ADA compliant, but there are still some that aren’t.

If yours is one of them, you should really consider the risks of non-compliance. You could be subjected to incredibly large fines. Or, even worse, you may be targeted by a lawsuit that could be extremely damaging to your finances.

Why not eliminate those risks by making sure you have ramps that comply with the ADA? Not only are we experts in ramps, we also know all ADA mandates in and out. When you choose us to manufacture your ramps, you can be confident we will make sure they meet all of those mandates.

These are just some of the features you’ll find in REDD Team aluminum ramps.

  • Our ramps are made in the USA and warranted for both durability and wear.
  • REDD Team ramps resist corrosion and rust, and won’t warp or rot like steel ramps.
  • Whether a person uses a cane, a wheelchair, a scooter, a walker, or any other type of mobility aid, they’ll be able to use our ramps with 100 percent confidence.
  • You can easily adjust the slope and height to meet any changing needs.
  • If you have multiple thresholds, you can easily add or remove sections to accommodate them.
  • You can pair our ramp with smooth, continuous handrails that will always be safe to touch in extreme heat, bitter cold, and everything in between.

Helping You Avoid the Consequences of ADA Non-Compliance

If you are proactive, you can stay ahead of any potential issues with your ADA compliance. Here are a couple to consider.

  • You should have a long talk with your architect, contractor and building inspector if you are planning to construct a building that will be open to the public. You’ll need to do this in order to make sure all parties know what needs to be done in order to make sure the building complies.
  • Even if you have an older structure, you still need to be aware of what you need to do in order to be ADA compliant. Talk to a professional to schedule a thorough evaluation of your building, to see if there are any issues that need correcting. There may barriers to access that have to be remedied or taken out.

Learn More By Contacting REDD Team

The professionals with REDD Team would love to tell you more about our aluminum ADA ramps for sale. You can get in touch whenever you like by giving us a call at (800) 648-3696 or using our online form. We’ll be more than happy to answer any of your questions, or answer any of your concerns.