Since the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became law in 1991, ADA wheelchair access for buildings has been a top priority for all building managers. Failure to comply with ADA mandates can lead to severe penalties, including fines and even lawsuits. Nobody needs that type of headache. REDD Team offers wheelchair ramps that are built to last, and also built to provide safe, simple access. When you choose us, you’ll never have to worry about your accessibility system not being ADA compliant.

We Can Help, No Matter What Type of Ramp You Need

ADA Wheelchair Access for BuildingsREDD Team has helped ensure that buildings across the country are fully compliant with all ADA mandates. It can be very expensive, and very difficult, to be compliant. Your school building may be installing new portable classrooms, so you’ll need ramps for all of them. Your library’s old wooden ramp may be falling apart. Or, you might be remodeling your facility and you’ll need to knock out your concrete ramps.

Whatever your situation may be, we’ll be here to help. Our ramps are not only easy to install, they’re also very affordable. We’ll be able to meet just about any budgetary limitations you may have. REDD Team will work with you to ensure your ramps are configured exactly the way you need them to be. If you should ever have to move your ramp in the future, it will be very easy to do so.

Why Aluminum is So Much Better Than Other Materials

There are a lot of different materials used to make access ramps. You’ll find them made of wood, concrete, steel and aluminum. Here are just a few of the reasons aluminum is the best choice.

  • Wood looks great, and it’s also relatively inexpensive. But there’s a price to pay for that beauty, because wood has to be maintained on a regular basis. That means applying varnish and sealer, which can be a messy hassle. Even with regular protection, though, wooden ramps can still deteriorate, making the joints loose – and creating a potential safety hazard as a result.
  • Steel is a very strong material, but it’s also very heavy. Not only will you be paying a lot for materials, but also for shipping. You’ll also have to pay for special coatings to keep steel from rusting and corroding as time goes by. It will also cost a lot of money to apply the slip-resistant coating needed to make sure a steel ramp will be safe to use.
  • Concrete is strong as well, and it’s very stable. There are even special treatments that can be applied to make concrete ramps resistant to slipping. But, like steel, concrete costs a lot of money. Also, if you ever need to move the ramp, you’ll have to demolish it and build a completely new one.
  • Aluminum, on the other hand, is inexpensive when compared to steel and concrete, but it’s just as strong as steel. You won’t have to worry about corrosion, because aluminum has a natural layer of protection. Aluminum drains efficiently, so standing water will never be a problem. No matter how hard it may rain, an aluminum ramp will always be slip resistant. You can also easily relocate an aluminum ramp should the need ever arise.

If you would like to learn more about how REDD Team can help ensure ADA wheelchair access for buildings, get in touch. Call (800) 648-3696 or use our online contact form.