There’s a pretty good chance you’re far too busy to try and digest ADA regulations for handicap ramps. But when you partner with the experts with REDD Team, you won’t have to worry about it. We not only know all ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) guidelines, but all other governmental accessibility regulations as well. Our ramps are tough, affordable, and will help ensure your facility is ADA-compliant.

Why ADA Compliance is So Important

ADA Regulations for Handicap RampsAll public facilities have to be accessible to people with physical challenges. The ADA mandates this accessibility, and failure to comply can be extremely costly. Your organization may be at risk for stiff fines as well as potential lawsuits. REDD Team professionals have seen the consequences of non-compliance among some of our clients in the past, and it can get really expensive, really quickly.

So, why not get ahead of any potential issues and get in touch with REDD Team so we can provide you the ramps you need to ensure you don’t have any problems? Not only do we have ramps, but we also have other accessibility system components as well. They include stairs, walkways and other products.

No matter what kind of mobility aid a visitor to your building may need, they will be able to use our products with complete confidence. These include not only wheelchairs, but canes, crutches, scooters and others.

A Closer Look at REDD Team Ramps

The REDD Team Universal Wheelchair Ramp could very well save you a great deal of money. You won’t have to perform extensive renovations at the entrances and exits to your facility, and you’ll still be ADA compliant.

If, for instance, you have concrete steps in place, you might assume that you’d have to tear them out and replace them with a concrete ramp. However, that’s not the case at all. You’ll more than likely be able to just place one of our ramps over the steps and be compliant. If the need should ever arise, you can easily relocate your REDD Team ramp very efficiently.

Our Universal Wheelchair Ramp offers several other benefits as well, including the following:

  • Aluminum is incredibly strong, and looks great as well. While concrete ramps are also strong and attractive, there might come a time where you’ll need to renovate your building. If that happens, then you could wind up changing where your entrances and exits are located. With a concrete ramp, you’ll have to completely demolish it and build a new one. That won’t be the case with an aluminum ramp.
  • You’ll find a lot of steel ramps in public facilities as well. However, steel will rust and corrode over time, becoming structurally unsound in the process. Aluminum is just as strong as steel, and has a natural coating of aluminum oxide that protects it from rust or corrosion.
  • Of course, wood is also a very popular material for ramps. As the years go by, though, wood can splinter or completely rot unless it’s coated regularly. You won’t have to deal with that hassle with an aluminum ramp.

Let Us Show You More

The professionals with REDD Team not only know all about ADA regulations for handicap ramps, we also have a wide range of ramps to choose from. Learn more by contacting us online or calling (800) 648-3696.