The Americans with Disabilities Act requires schools and other properties in Hillsborough County, Florida, to allow access to people who use wheelchairs and other mobility aids. Part of how a school can reach ADA compliance is by installing building access ramps. Our experts at REDD Team can help you create a new ADA-compliant building access ramp that works for your property.

Slope for Entering a Building

ADA Compliant Building Access Ramps for Schools in Hillsborough County, FloridaThe general rules for an ADA-compliant ramp in Florida entail a ramp having a running slope that is not steeper than 1:12. This measurement means a ramp can be 12 feet long for every foot of rise.

Building access ramps can include rises of about 3 to 6 inches for entry points. But the necessary slope for a ramp will vary over how high the rise is. A ramp with a rise of about 3 inches will require a slope from 1:8 to 1:10. The slope can be 1:10 to 1:12 if the ramp has a rise of around 6 inches.

Ramp Width Tips

The width of a building access ramp can vary on whether the ramp is on a curb. Most building access ramps should be at least 36 inches wide. But if the ramp is on a curb, that ramp should be at least 48 inches wide while also having a 48-inch landing at the top.

You can request a wider ramp if you wish, as a wider option might be useful for multiple people aiming to go up and down the ramp at a time. You can review your current situation and see how wide your ramp should be based on how many people are expected to use it.

Turning Support

There may be times when a building access ramp needs to be a little longer. A landing can be utilized in the middle of the ramp. This flat landing should be as wide as the rest of the ramp, plus the landing must be at least 60 inches long. The length is necessary to support enough turning space.

For cases where a wheelchair user needs to complete a turn, you’ll need to keep the landing 60 inches long or more on all sides. The landing length is enough to support most turning needs.

Including Rails

You can include rails on your access ramp to improve how well people can remain stable when going up and down the ramp. The ramp should be about 34 to 38 inches high.

Handrails are only mandatory for ramps where the rise is higher than 6 inches. But having ramps on the sides is still recommended, as many people who require a ramp might need extra support to keep them from falling or losing their balance while on the ramp.

But whatever the case, make sure the rail you install doesn’t reduce the total width of your ramp. The ramp should still be at least 36 inches wide or 48 inches if it’s a curb ramp.

The design of wheelchair access ramps in your Hillsborough County schools should ensure that people will have an easy time getting in and out of your building. REDD Team is available to help you produce ADA-compliant ramps that fit your space. You can contact us on our website or by phone at (800) 648-3696 for details on how we can serve you.