You are more than likely aware that ADA accessible ramp requirements are stringent. What you might not know is that the penalties for failing to comply to those requirements can be extremely harsh, including stiff fines and the potential for costly legal action. REDD Team ramps can help ease your concerns regarding the compliance of your facility. All of our products meet all accessibility guidelines.

Ensuring Compliance

ADA Accessible Ramp RequirementsIf you have a building that’s open to the public, then the ADA has a major impact. You have to make sure all of your entrances and exits provide equal access to all visitors, whether or not they have physical limitations. At REDD Team, we’ve seen many examples of organizations that had to foot the bill for extensive renovations because their buildings weren’t ADA-compliant.

But we have ramps, stairs and other accessibility products that will help you avoid those kinds of problems. Everyone will be able to get into and out of your buildings, no matter what type of mobility aid they may need. REDD Team ramps are built to handle scooters, wheelchairs and other types of mobility equipment, and will always provide safe, secure access. People will be able to enter and exit your facility with total confidence.

More About Our Universal Wheelchair Ramps

REDD Team’s Universal Wheelchair Ramp can help ease your concerns if you’re worried about having to perform extensive renovations to be ADA compliant. You may, for example, have concrete steps instead of ramps. You think you’ll have to demolish those steps in order to add ramps that meet ADA requirements.

But that might not necessarily be the case. You could simply put one of our ramps over those steps. You’ll not only be ADA compliant, you’ll also save a great deal of money. Also, if you ever need to move your ramp, you’ll be able to do so very quickly and efficiently.

These are a few more of the many advantages of REDD Team ramps.

  • Unlike steel, REDD Team aluminum won’t degrade over time due to corrosion or rust. It has a natural coating that protects it from degradation, and keeps our aluminum strong for years.
  • Our ramps also won’t pose a risk for warping or rotting, which can be a serious concern for wooden ramps. If you have a wood ramp, you’ll need to treat it on a regular basis to keep it strong. With aluminum, you won’t have any of those hassles. You basically “set it and forget it.” Once your REDD Team ramp is in place, you won’t have to worry about regular maintenance.
  • There are a lot of facilities around the country that have concrete ramps. These are very strong, and they’re also very attractive. But what if you ever plan to remodel, and that project will involve changing your entrances and exits? With concrete ramps, you’d have to completely demolish them and install new ones from scratch. REDD Team ramps, on the other hand, can easily be relocated with a minimum of effort.

We’re Ready to Tell You More

Please feel free to get in touch with a REDD Team representative if you would like more information on how our products meet all ADA accessible ramp requirements. You can give us a call at (800) 648-3696 or use our online form.