Making a school accessible for all students is the right thing to do; the law also requires it. The ADA requires all public and private schools to be accessible to students with different abilities. Unfortunately, many schools are not adequately equipped to accommodate students with disabilities. More than 6 million students in the United States have a physical disability. That’s nearly 13% of the total student population! REDD Team disability ramps are essential to a school’s architecture.

Disability Ramps for SchoolsWhile many schools have made an effort to become more inclusive and accommodating to students with disabilities, more can be done to ensure school buildings are more accessible. One way to make schools more accessible is by installing disability ramps. Disability ramps provide students in wheelchairs or other mobility devices can enter and move around the school like everyone else.

Installing disability ramps in schools adds an extra element of convenience. REDD Team wheelchair ramps are designed to provide easy access for users, making it possible for everyone to enjoy the benefits of a more barrier-free and inclusive school environment.

Modular Ramps

REDD Team modular ramps are prefabricated ramp systems that can be easily installed in schools. They are made of aluminum, making them solid and durable. Modular ramps can be designed to fit the specific needs of a school and can be used indoors or outdoors. They can also be customized to include handrails, non-slip surfaces, and other features that improve safety and accessibility in your school.

Threshold Ramps

Threshold ramps are designed to make navigating doorways and raised thresholds easier for students with mobility impairments. These ramps are ideal for schools that need to make entrances and exits more accessible and for classrooms and other areas with raised flooring. REDD Team threshold ramps are made of aluminum and are designed to be a permanent solution for accessibility.

Inclined Platform Lifts

Inclined platform lifts are designed for wheelchair users who need to access elevated areas. They are ideal for schools with stairs or elevated platforms students need to access. These platform lifts are installed along the length of a staircase. They can also be designed to fit the specific needs of a school. They are safe and easy to use and provide an excellent solution for students with difficulty navigating stairs.

Vertical Platform Lifts

If your school’s topography is raised, vertical platform lifts can be an excellent access solution for students. These lifts are designed to provide wheelchair users access to elevated areas like stages and platforms. They are typically installed in a shaft or enclosure and can be designed to fit the specific needs of a school. They are easy to use since they can be operated independently by students with mobility impairments.

Portable Wheelchair Ramps

Portable wheelchair ramps are ideal for schools that need to provide accessibility on an as-needed basis. They are lightweight, easy to move around, and can be used indoors and outdoors. Portable wheelchair ramps can be folded for easy storage and transport. Moreover, they come in different shapes and sizes, making them an excellent choice for schools that need to provide accessibility for special events or other temporary situations.

REDD Team has many types of disability ramps for schools, meaning your school can choose the one that best fits your budget. Talk to our technicians today for excellent disability ramps recommendations for schools.